Sunday, January 20, 2008

unexpected much?

Ok, so I'm sitting on the sideline of the field watching a junior high super bowl. (so far, pretty normal) Oh, look! Touchdown! 6 points to the droopys. Then, I'm cheering for them when suddenly, BAM! All right, your probably wondering what happened. Well, I had just been pegged in the face by a football. Out of all the other people the football could've chosen to hit, well lucky me! So I am left to leave with a face that by tomorrow will probably have a big WILSON indented on the side of it.


Allison said...

Hooray! You were so tough!

AND, I yelled "Cole you have to blog about this!" And you did!

Kate E said...

Cole - I totally love your blog! I am so sorry you got pegged in the face - way to take on for the team.

Swanny said...

Hey buddy. Your blog is great! Keep up the good work.